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Let Us Stop Filling Bins

Let us Stop Filling Bins https://www.pinterest.com/clen1/true-love/ We may not know what really inspired the people of th...

Saturday, 12 December 2020



“NCAMSILE BEKUSINGANI SAMI LEBENG’SITSANDZA KAKHULU, BENGENTE SETSEMBISO KUYE KUTSI NGIYAWUMTSANDZA FUTSI NGIMNAKEKELE IMPHILO YAKHE YONKHE…” kwasho Themba abibitseka. Inkantolo yayicwele iphuphuma, bunhhinhhi bekhutwa ngemzuzu ngemzuzu, bantfu bebafisa kwati kutsi ngabe iyawtala nkhomoni kulendzaba yaThemba.

Kube kuya ngami ngabe ngkubekela yonkhe imivo yami ngetinkantolo, kepha ke ngeke ngiye lapho ngoba inhloso yami kukutekela indzaba yaThemba naNcamsile. Bekulwanca laba lababili, ematuba lucobo, bengiye ngitsi nangibabona ngive inhlitiyo yami incibilika. Bebatsandzana ute uhawkele nawbuka, ecinisweni lonkhe, bekutitsandzani lengangiye nami ngibuke kuto nangizindla ngetelutsandvo, ngize ngimamatseke sengtibona nesami simadzadza natsi sesingumjingi namkhotsane njengabo. Amuhle Ncami loyo, njengoba Themba bemteketisa njalo; umnyovu lonzenge , konkhe kuhleli ngabolonina, bese uba nelutsi umuntfu wakhona. Wawungafunga utsi simakadze bekenta sibonelo sesimomondiya nakakha Ncami. Kani naye Themba ngete ngamdlela umona, kwakungesilo likhwa kwakungemanti; lijaha lisho ngeluhwanca loluhlangene mjengetjani belitete, ematinyo tinhlavu tewesiSwati ummbila, amhlophe salichwa, bese liyawshiya umhlaba. bantfu bakhona bembatsa ungatsi baya emncintiswaneni, bembatsa tembatfo letifanako, ungafunga utsi mawele.

Letitsandzani letimbili tatitelikhetselo imbala, kute tindzawo tebumnandzi bebatichela, bahamba bobabili bangashiyani. Bebayihamba yonkhe imicimbi yebumnandzi, nabangakayi impela suke basemngcwabeni. Ncami abekhonte umhlabeleli weSikhwahlande lohlabela letipholile te-Afurikha, Lira. Bekasangana ephetse kungatsiwa kuta loyo mhlabeleli wakhe loyo. Ngisho mine bantfu lebesebatsandza tintfo ngekufana, nabafika etitolo takanokusho tekudla babite lokufana ncwe kulobaphakelako, imidlalo yekucitsa sikhatsi bebatsabdza lefananako. Nawbakhandza bacoca, kusha luhleko, bavikisana ngemivo ngetem’bangave, tetimali temhlaba, temidlalo. Wawungafunga utsi bangani lababili nje bayajikijelana ngemibono. 

Themba lijaha lelalinenhlanhla impela, labaphansi bebabuke ngakuwe waShongwe, tandla takhe betisikhiya semilingo. Lapho bekatsintsa khona bekuvuleka iminyango angene ahlekelela. Abengusomabhzinisi lowenta imibhalo nemidvwebo; kungaba mabhodi ekubekisa, tembatfo tetinkapane, netikhangiso lombala. Ngalenhlanhla yakhe ke waMabhengeta, watfola sivumekwano nahulumende welive leSwatini kutsi advwebe tembatfo tematiko lehlukahlukene ahulumende. Cha bekusibusiso sesivumelwano leso, beyibhasha impela indvodza kulesivumelwano, lalilampondo impela. Loko bekwenta kube melula kunakekela sincandzamatse sakhe lesingu Ncami, akhone nekubhadala indlu yabo bebahlala kuyo eMbabane. Bebangesweli nakatwi. Ncami naye bekamuhle nje afanele, bekalicandza lapha kuMcusi wendlunkhulu.

Umnyaka wa2020 waba ngumnyaka lowehlukile kuleminyenti, umhlaba womkhe wahlaselwa ngumkhuhlane lowawuhambisa kwetinyosi titsatsela etimbalini. Mahazane wavalela umhlaba wonkhe etindlini, kuphuma emnyango kwagucuka kwaba licala lelibovu, kwahloba titaladi kwema imisebenti, koma emabhku emabhange. Bosomabhizini labancane nalabakhulu basiva sitfozi samahazane, lokufaka ekhatsi Themba. Hulumebde wasijuba emnyakeni wesine sivumelwane sakhe naThemba, kwatsiwa ngoba timali sekufuneka kutsi tifakwe kulomkhuhlane, Themba asale ema kudvwebela hulumende. Kwate kwefikwa lakuvela tinsolo khona kutsi yena Themba wasivumbulula njani sivumelwane seminyaka lesihlanu semsebenti labengawenta ngetinyanga letisitfupha. Kwatsi nakuhlolwa emiphandzeni yetembatfo tahulumende kwakhandzakala kutsi leti lesetikhicitiwe kuleminyaka lengemuva tingasebenta iminyaka lesitfupha solo kute sidzingo saletinye. Kwasolwa kudlisana kwaba ngloko, kodvwa ke leto tinsolo tashabalalisa kwematolo kuvela lilanga, Themba phela unenhlanhla.


“Mnumzane Themba Shongwe, landzisa inkantolo ngalokwenteka ngelusuku lwebucala losolwa ngabo” kusho umshushisi abhekise kuThemba. 


Ngangitilalele endlini lesasihlala kuyo naNcami, njengoba kuphitsitela vele kwakuvaliwe, ngeva kunconcotsa ngeludlame emnyango lomkhulu. Ngavuka ngatihudvula ngabheka khona, ngatsi nangivula ngamane ngoma. Ngikhandza Ncami unjenga mzukwana atalwa ubanjwe ngetinwele ngulomunye make lengangimcalisa lelo langa. Ngsetfukile ngeva lomake sabhavumula ngelulaka “asubambe inja yakho, bamba inja yakho, utangsola kusasa sengtsetse sicumo lesibucayi, sekwesibili ayenta lentfo lontfombatana wakho”.  Walandzisa lomake kutsi uhudvula Ncami lowembetse ta Eva nje umkhiphe endlini yakhe nemyeni wakhe ubakhanda bajabulisana.  Wamdzaceka samdlwane phansi, wacondza emotini yakhe waysusa kamatima.

Ngatitimisa Ncami ngangena naye endlini, ngamlungisela emanti ekugeza, wageza. Ingcondvo yami yayihhuma asageza Ncami, ngangingati noma ngimile noma ngihleli phansi; ngingati kutsi ngimemete noma ngihlabele. Ngahlala etafulebi lekudlela, watsi naphuma Ncami ekugezeni sembetse, ngamcela kutsi akabuye ahlale phansi sikhulumisane ngalesehlakalo. Wavuma, wabuya wahlala ngesheya kwami etafuleni, wabeka ingcosa yakhe etafuleni sandla saba sesilevini sakhe. Ngambuta kutsi ngabe liciniso yini leli lelitekwa ngulomake bekalapha emnyango. Ncami waphendvula ngekutichenya watsi “yebo”, wachubeka wabeka kutsi mine angtiboni yini kutsi kuphelile ngami, ngingatsi ngsetawkhona kunaka yena sengehlulwa nakutinaka mine. Wabeka kutsi ngeke yena akhona kuhlala nemfanayo, bekukuhle nje ngisakhona kuba yindvodza, hhayi lomtfwalo lebesengingiwo. Ngekukhubeka, ngfauca kamatima litafula, ngebhadi lacondza kuchochocho waNcami, ngatsi ngigijima ng’yawumsita, ngakhandza asabindze dvu. Ngaphutfuma ngashayela inombolo yenhlabamkhosi, ngashayela nemaphoyisa. Belusito loluphutfumako ngibo labefika bagcwalisekisa kutsi Ncami usishiyile emhlabeni. Mine Ncami bekusingani sami lebengisitsandza kakhulu, futsi ngangente sivumelane kuye kutsi ngiyawmtsandza phindze ngimnakekele imphilo yakhe yonkhe, futsi bengitimisele ngalokuphelele kusigcina leso setsembiso.


Kwavungatela inkantolo yonkhe, bantfu bahhum’tela, labanye baphiphita batsi akusilo liciniso lelelishiwo nguThemba. Emahemuhemu bekagcwele emoyeni, kute lebesekati kutsi mbamba mbamba liciniso nguliphi futsi emanga nguwaphi. Nawbuka bantfu lebebasenkantolo bonkhe bebadvungekile, nami ekhatsi ngangisangene. Ummeli waThemba besolo abelesele inkantolo njalo kutsi Themba akasubekwa licala lekubulala ngesibhuku, kodvwa akabekwe lekufelwa ngumuntfu ngesiphosiso.

Ngtawphindze ngetame kutincandza kutsi ngingaveti imivo yami ngetinkantolo nekusebenta kwato, tona atibuki emahemuhemu, tibuka bufakazi lobubekwe embikwato tibese tikhipha sijubo. Ummbiko wemaphoyisa bewuvumelana ncamashi nalokulandziswe nguThemba embikwenkantolo, nemmbiko wadokotela uyavuma kutsi Ncami wabulawa kwephuka kwachochocho kwavimba umphefumulo. Emaphoyisa nebenhlabamkhosi bayavuma kutsi vele balutfola lucingo lolubuya kuThemba ngelusuku lwesehlakalo. 

“Nkhosiyenkantolo silapha asiketi kutewteka emahemuhemu, sitewbuka bufakazi nemaciniso lasobala ngalokwenteka ngelusku lwekushona kabuhlungu kwaNcamsile, lebekasingani saThemba. Kulahleka kwemphefumulo kulicala, kungako ngisho nami kutsi Themba Shongwe aketfweswe licala lekufelwa nbgumuntfu ngesiphosiso, njengoba sonkhe sivile kutsi kute sibhuku lesenteka. Ngicela inkantolo ikhokhe sijubo ngebufakazi, ingayi ngeluhhewuhhewu lwebantfu” kusho ummeli waThemba. 

Ngitatibamba kwekugcina kuveta imivo yami ngetinkantolo, ngoba lena bekuyindzaba yaThemba nancamsile, kungesiwo umbhalo wekuveta imibono yami.

The Promise


The Promise

“…I HAD PROMISED HER TO LOVE HER FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE, SO I HAD TO KEEP THE PROMISE…”, said Themba as the council was cross examining him. The trial went on and on, Themba’s lawyer was arguing for a culpable homicide than a murder charge. 

If I wanted to waste your time with a very long story I would go around and tell you my views pertaining lawyers and their work; but no, let me just tell you the story of  Ncamsile and Themba.  The two were my favorite couple, myself would look at them and see myself with an own best friend for a lover. I would imagine myself having a lover whom I will share hobbies with, go out to dinner and order the same meals because we love mostly the same things.  The two would enjoy debates on politics, finances of the world, racism, and religious tolerance; they would talk and laugh about anything and everything, you’d swear there was not a thing one kept from the other as a secret.  

Themba was a successful young businessman, he really had magic hands, and everything he touched turned into gold. His line of business was branding, he was lucky to sign a five years long deal with the government of eSwatini. He was to brand all government staff clothing across the ministries. From that deal, he was making fortunes, in that way he was able to spoil rotten his Ncamy. There is not one music show the two would easily miss, unless they were to attend a funeral; there is not one “classy” foods they would not taste, for they were adventurous. To be honest, their live was a marvel to watch, and it was an inspiration for us who were still hoping to venture into business and love as well.  

“I LOVED NCAMY, I DID EVERYTHING FOR HER, I GAVE HER ALL I COULD…” Themba said sobbingly. Unfortunately, courts use evidence to reach a judgment; not what really happened, not what the eyes of the accused reveal.  Again, I will fight off the enthusiasm to tell you my views about lawyers, let me keep them to myself.  Let me take you back to how did we get to court.

A pandemic hit the world in 2020, or 2019 as from its name OCVID-19, which was the fourth year of Themba’s contract with the government of eSwatini. The pandemic hit hard on many business owners; rivers and streamy ones.  The government UNFAIRLY terminated Themba’s contract with them. The government also found out the material that Themba has branded for them in the past three years could sustain them for the next four years. Questions were raised on how Themba got such a long term deal that is not so essential. Suspicions of ‘spoon feeding’ brewed up, DEPRESSION hit hard on Themba, he deteriorated in all aspects of life to almost vanish.

The whole world was LOCKED down during that time, at least from March to May of 2020; May is when some countries started to unlock. Going out to eateries, bars, even shops was prohibited; as a result I was unfairly denied the chance to watch my live reality show of my super couple. That was until I was unfairly convinced to read the newspaper one day. I don’t like the newspaper, for to me it’s a tool to market and destroy certain individuals. But, that day I read it. To my surprise, I met Themba in that newspaper, believe me it was not a good encounter at all.

Again, I will work hard to stop myself from telling you about my views of courts, for this is not an article but a story. Courts use evidence than clues and views. “Mr. Ndzinisa, can you tell the court what happened on the day of the suspected crime” said the prosecutor.


It was a Friday evening, a normal day in which we were not supposed to go out as the world was in lock down.  I was waked up by a bang sound at my door, the door of the house I lived in with my deceased girlfriend. I sleep walked to see who it was, to my surprise, it was a lady not known to my knowledge at that time, she had come to deliver a naked Ncamy to my house. The lady complained that she had found Ncamy with her husband in their house; they were doing ‘wrong side business’. She told me her husband’s name, Thuthukani Masilela, Mtfongwaneni Member of Parliament. I was tongue tied, my tongue shriveled when I opened my mouth trying to speak. The lady angrily pushed bare bodied Ncamy to the ground and left. 

I took unclothed Ncamy inside my house, I advised her to take a bath and freshen up as she was reeking like a man from training after a no water day. As she was cleansing, my head was spiraling; I did not know whether I’m standing or seated. I called her to come and assemble opposite me in our kitchen table so we can have a word pertaining what just transpired. She did observe that, she came and sat opposite me, looking me straight into my eyes like she was the one expecting answers. I asked her if what the lady was saying was true, and she pompously said “YES”,  and she went on to tell me how much of an discomfiture I have become, I cannot take care of myself, how do I expect myself to be able to take care of her. Out of anger, I pushed the table which hit her collar as she was leaning forward with her elbow on the table. I hurriedly ran to her, but to find out her esophagus was broken, and she was sentient no more. I called the police, I told them what happened.



I looked around the court room, every expression seemed muddled, myself was confused. Buzzes were all over the air, nobody knew what to accept as true, nobody recognized which was true. BUT the police and autopsy report had evidence; evidence that is in very line with the account Themba just voiced. YES, Ncamy was hit by a hard object on the neck, which broke her esophagus. YES, the police got a call from Themba and he told them precisely what he has just told the court. Themba’s lawyer was adamant that her client has to be charged with culpable homicide. The court had evidence of a possible culpable homicide.

AGAIN, I will for the last time halt myself from telling you my views about lawyers and courts, for this WAS a STORY not an ARTICLE.